History of ok tedi mine
History of ok tedi mine. The primary ore is crushed and ground using Semi-Autogenous Grinding and Ball mills to a final grain size of approximately 180 microns. Strong professional with a certificate in OK TEDI MINING LIMITED INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY OF OK TEDI The OK Tedi is an open copper operation located in Papua New Guinea, close to the head waters of the OK Tedi River. Ok Tedi Mine is located in extremely remote and rugged part of PNG. Ore mined from the open pit mine at an annual rate of 24 million tonnes feeds a processing facility which consists of a gyratory primary crusher, two parallel grinding modules, flotation and gravity separation and sulphur Environmental Science, Sociology, History. 5 Billion in compensation The history of the state’s relation to landowners in the vicinity of min- Kutubu and Moran oil projects, the Hides gas project, and the Ok Tedi mine discussed in this article (see Banks This thesis is about the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea. and URS Greiner Woodward Clyde ( 1999a) `Draft Executive Summary: Assessment of Human Health and Ecological Risks for Proposed Mine Waste Mitigation Options at the Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea. Ok Tedi Mining Limited (“OTML”) has made the strategic decision to discontinue its utilisation of Puma Energy’s diesel and JETA1 in Tabubil. PNG, Western Province and communities obtain enduring benefits from OTML through employment, local business, dividends, taxes and royalties, goods and services Sep 30, 2013 · For general digestion, the Aekyom Somoe Clan land boundary draws from the head waters of Ok Tedi (Alice) River from mine pit down to the mouth and then up the Fly River to the head waters and then across the mountain ranges of the Star Mountains belongs to Aekyom Somoe Clan as per its history. Exploratory drilling in the area began in the 1970s, and was run by the Kennecott Copper Corporation. OTML is an unlisted PNG majority State Owned Enterprise (SOE) operating in accordance with the Papua New Guinea Companies Act (1997). In this chapter, we will consider the history of the Ok Tedi mine from Ok Tedi Mine: Some Facts and Figures Operating Life: 1984–2010. The mine exports copper as a concentrate with contained gold and silver. The first gold was mined at Ok Tedi in 1981. The PM has argued that it is not, because Ok Tedi already belongs to the people of PNG or Western Province. The company has around 1,800 permanent employees, with a similar number of embedded contractors and Ok Tedi environmental disaster. The project was the coun try's first major post-independence mining operation, embarked on In this article I explore two decades of mine-related transformations among Telefolmin, one of several groups of Min people who are a major source of labor for the Ok Tedi mine. The current pit covers an area of In response to the ok Tedi environmental disaster in New Guinea (1984) and the Maura Coal Mine disaster in Australia (1986), BHP revised its approach to governance, ethics, H&S and the environment The OK Tedi Mine is an open cut copper operation located in Papua New Guinea, close to the headwaters of the OK Tedi River. Other mining activities (e. Chairman of the Board, Mr Jeffrey Innes said that Mr Ilimbit was appointed following an international search campaign and a thorough assessment of candidates. This marks a significant milestone for OTML, its shareholders and for Papua New Guinea in general and is a sign of the confidence the Board has in the company’s ability to deliver over the next two decades. Oct 25, 2021 · vii, 206 pages : 23 cm Includes bibliographical references (pages 196-199) and index A mountain stirs a remote mine in a young nation -- Man and nature in the Star mountains development potential -- Discovery and disappointment the Kennecott period -- The rescue formation of the BHP consortium -- Through the microscope Ok Tedi agreement & feasibility period -- Thrust and parry the Dec 10, 2014 · The life of the key Ok Tedi mine is to be extended for another 11 years, but with falling ore prices and diminishing resources, the company faces critical challenges. But this could be said about any resource project: clearly the resource belongs to the people of PNG, but not the assets used to dig up the resource. Nov 29, 2020 · Introduction. Our recent fatal light-vehicle (LV Ok Tedi. We work hard to minimise, mitigate and remediate any damage that we create. Throughout the literature on mining and communities, there is a split between the technical and the social. Although the Prime Minister has denied it, this is clearly an act of expropriation. Summary. I argue that Ok Tedi provides Telefolmin with the ability to realize a particular form of modernity. Oct 19, 2017 · The Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) was also established to promote 'equitable and sustainable social and economic development' of the mine-affected communities [46] (p. (1990) The Ok Tedi mining pr oject: problems with the pot of gold, in. Ok Tedi operates a large-scale copper and gold mining and processing facility in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea, with ore mined from at an annual rate of 24 million tonnes. One of OTML’s major continuing concerns is the environmental effects of our operations. The approval is OTML is a major producer of copper concentrate for the world smelting and refinery market in Germany, India, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Throughout the history of the project, the state has consistently made regulatory decisions that sought to minimize its expenditures and maximize its Jan 7, 2013 · Ok Tedi has contributed a lot over many years but particularly now, now that the Ok Tedi mine is 100 per cent owned by Papua New Guinea, and a major part of that belongs to people of the Western Oct 23, 2013 · Remote Mount Fubilan, near the source of Papua New Guinea’s Tedi River, is once again the site of global controversy surrounding the Ok Tedi copper gold mine. Local & Regional Suppliers. The Ok Tedi mine also attracted international media interest because the practice of riverine waste disposal caused extensive environmental damage to the Fly River and ultimately led to a lawsuit against BHP Billiton (the major shareholder in the mining consortium) in 1994. g Jun 1, 2019 · For example, contamination of the Ok Tedi River results in diseases for the local people. Detailed Level Risk Assessment', prepared for Ok Tedi Mining, Ltd, pp. As at 31 December 2022, the FAF holds USD 241 M. The lives of 50,000 people have been disrupted. Like all major mines, however, Ok Tedi has produced a series of large Policies & Standards. It is one of the world's largest gold-copper mines and was owned by BHP Billiton (52%), the State of Papua New Guinea (30%) and Inmet Mining Corporation (18%). The Ok Tedi environmental disaster caused severe harm to the environment along 1,000 km (620 mi) of the Ok Tedi River and the Fly River in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea between around 1984 and 2013 and ongoing. But, as subsequent Aug 1, 1978 · The Ok Tedi mine is a world-class copper porphyry deposit located in the remote Western Province of Papua New Guinea near the border with Indonesia [33, 34]. Before mining operations, Mount Fubilan was described as a copper mountain with a gold cap. The Community Mine Continuation Agreement (CMCA) defines the cash compensation, investment and development payments that OTML makes to the 158 communities affected by the mining Negotiating Community Support for Closure or Continuation of the Ok Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea issued a joint statement demanding that the mine be closed in 2013, in accordance with the latest plan (Anon. In addition, it is a main source of revenue for the country, and a source of income for the people. The Company is well prepared to meet the revised requirements of the Ok Tedi Environmental Management Act. 1997). The Ok Tedi mining agreement made the PNG government financially responsible for providing the social and economic impact study, which was conducted by the geographer Richard Jackson for the Department of Minerals and Energy (Jackson, Emerson, and Welsch 1980). The mine is located at an altitude of approximately 2,000 m, in an area of dense About Us. Much of the literature on mining in Papua New Guinea is concerned with the politics of landowner compensation. In this exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, Musje Werror, the man chosen to lead Ok Tedi Mining, outlines his strategy. Our operations are governed by a number of policies, standards and systems to build consistency and productivity. Between 1984 and 2019, Ok Tedi has produced 4. The mine began producing gold in 1984. Porgera, and assess the impact on mining on poverty. Parametrix, Inc. There has been some confusion as to who first discovered evidence of copper leading to the Ok Tedi Since the mine’s formation, OTML has contributed more than 10 billion kina to assist the development of economically sustainable local and regional communities in the Western Province. The OTML Supply and Logistics department engages over 200 suppliers and 150 service providers each year. 6 square kilometres. Its main office is located in Tabubil and the building is known as the White House. Ok Tedi Environmental Impacts. Bonny currently serves as Chairman of Kumul Minerals Ok Tedi Limited and is a Director of the Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited Board. 0021) Much of the literature on mining in Papua New Guinea is concerned with the politics of landowner compensation. In the early 1980s, BHP secured a mining lease. 1-15. Ok Tedi Australia is the marketing and Australian logistics arm of Ok Tedi’s mining operation. Ok Tedi Mining Limited | 126,861 followers on LinkedIn. While contested in many ways Nov 1, 2020 · Mining is often portrayed as a contributor to sustainable development, especially so in developing countries such as Papua New Guinea (PNG). The assets and liabilities are recorded on our Ok Tedi Mining. Weak environmental protection laws and a series of ecological disasters have endangered the greater Ok Tedi and Fly River socioecological region. Ok Tedi’s marketing team assumes control of the copper concentrate produced by the mine from the time the final Feb 13, 2019 · In this context, it was the objective of. We are the single largest employer in the Western Province, and employ more than 40% of our people from the ‘Preferred Area Apr 9, 2021 · Ok Tedi operates a large-scale copper and gold mining and processing facility in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. “The Board looks forward to working with Kedi and the Leadership Team to ensure the continuing success of Ok Tedi and the satisfaction of all our stakeholders’ expectations Community Relations. I have often meant to write of my 24-day patrol to the Star Mountains (Wopkaimin) in August/September 1966 and the finding of a copper sulphate presence in that remote north-western corner of the then Western District. 64). A grassroots indigenous popular ecological resistance movement made an out-of-court settlement with the mining company in Melbourne in Jul 1, 1991 · Since 1983, Ok Tedi Mining Ltd has conducted extensive biological monitoring, focused on maintaining biomass and diversity of fish species in the Ok Tedi and Fly River (Smith and Hortle 1991). With closure on the cards (whether in 2013 or 2022), all stakeholders are aware of the significance of the social and economic changes which closure will bring to the North Fly District and Western Province as a whole. This includes monitoring and adopting as appropriate, contemporary international practices such as the Kedi Joined OTML through the Graduate Development Scheme in 1995 to 2004 starting as graduate mechanical engineer and worked in various roles. The Board of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has approved in principle a further mine life extension from 2033 to 2050. It has proved a social and ecological disaster. This follows the prolonged inability of Puma to provide consistent diesel and JETA1 supply and fulfil its contractual obligations. The Ok Tedi mine was required to finance the environmental impact assessment. Since the late 1980s, Ok Tedi has Ok Tedi Mining Limited (“OTML’) has successfully renewed its Special Mining Lease (SML) 1 (0), gaining an additional 20-year lease term from 2022 to 2042. Despite making efforts to work constructively with Puma, the company’s strong-arm tactics, exemplified by […] The first hint of gold and copper in the Ok Tedi River of central New Guinea was found by Lawrence Hargrave in July 1876. Mar 1, 2001 · Abstract. Production: About 200,000 tons of copper and 500,000 ounces of gold a year. [1] Its chairman, since 2014, has been former Deputy Prime Minister Moi Avei. We also have a representative office in Port Moresby, PNG and a logistics facility in Brisbane, Australia. The local people have been alienated, their culture shattered, and the Fly River is now heavily polluted with chemical and other wastes. Mt Fubilan is a rich coppergold-silver deposit with several phases of mineralisation centred on two intrusions, known as the Fubilan monzonite porphyry, located in the northern half or Centre Pit area and the Sydney Paramedic officer at Ok Tedi Mining Limited · Experienced Emergency Response Paramedic with a demonstrated history of working in the mining & metals industry. Since mining operations commenced in 1984, the mine has generated PGK13 Billion in dividends to PNG shareholders, PGK10. OTML is the largest business in Western Province and relies on PNG and International supply chains for goods and services. Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. 5 m fifty years after the mine closed (Maunsell, Vol. Kedi left in 2004 and worked at various mines (coal, iron ore, zinc, lead, silver, copper) in Australia performing in senior and managerial roles. Among the major cult movements which have emerged in response Dec 1, 2007 · Reports of poor crops, bad tasting water and stories of an ancestral connection with the Mt. Ever since the mine began to operate in 1984, there has been ongoing political debate … Expand In particular, the scale of the new mining project in relation to the small size of the country's formal economic sector created a new form of dependency for Papua New Guinea on the Ok Tedi mine. He is a Lawyer by profession, is admitted to the bar, and has been a senior legal practitioner for over 30 years. Demonstrated throughout this chapter at every critical juncture in the history of The Ok Tedi mine, the governments of PNG have been there assisting or thwarting OTML and its stakeholders. Annual rainfall is 8000–13000 mm. To facilitate the expansion of the OK Tedi copper mine, a replacement copper ore crusher was required in the mountainous terrain of the PNG Highlands. Ok Tedi Mine. 1) to mitigate the negative effects of acid rock drainage (ARD) on the surrounding aquatic environment (OTML, 2021). The Ok Tedi copper mine is situated in the upper drainage area of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea (PNG), near one of its branches, the Ok Tedi River. This is the second SML 1 (0) lease term extension for OTML. vide some necessary background on the regional dimensions of the Ok Tedi project. Ok Tedi. OTML has developed an Integrated Management System (IMS) which includes a suite of systems, standards, processes and procedures covering all areas of the business including mining operations, environmental Ok Tedi Power Limited (OTPL) is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Ok Tedi Mining Limited that supplies and distributes power to the Western Province. the study to investigate two mining locations in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Ok Tedi and. 2006. It was suggested that in the lower Ok Tedi, for example, bed aggradation could reach its maximum of 1. From the early Kennecott exploration, the national government has 26 May 1, 1997 · The Ok Tedi gold and copper mine in Papua New Guinea has had a profound effect on the Fly River system through the discharge of mining waste (Hettler et al. Our registered office is located in Tabubil, Western Province, PNG. Talent management is a key part of Ok Tedi’s strategy. The Board of Ok Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) has appointed Mr Kedi Ilimbit as the Company’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer effective 17th April 2023. Introduction The Ok Tedi copper and gold mine is situated on Mount Fubilan in the headwaters of the Ok Tedi (ok means river in the language of the local Yongom people) in the upper Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. OTML Logo. 1 million ounces of gold and 34. OTML is committed to conducting its operations in a socially responsible manner that respects cultural heritage and traditional rights. Landslide monitoring and management is a challenging task in the remote, rugged and sparsely-populated Ok Tedi Mine area of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Highly Skilled in Out Of Hospital Emergency Care, BLS & ACLS , Mine Emergency Response and Rescue, Occupational Health and safety, Safety Management Systems and Front Line Management. 93 million tonnes of copper, 15. Weak environmental protection laws and a series of ecological Apr 17, 2023 · The Board of Ok Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) has appointed Mr Kedi Ilimbit as the Company’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer effective 17th April 2023. This time-scale has largely been ignored in most discussions of the mine. Tabubil provides the infrastructure required to support the Mine, including an airport, workshops, warehouses, housing, banks, schools and medical facilities. OTML operates from its central headquarters in the Tabubil town on the banks of the Ok Tedi River. The plant currently recovers copper, gold and silver into a saleable concentrate. Date Appointed: 10 December 2021. By focusing on the conflict over the Ok Tedi copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea, Stuart Kirsch tells the story of a slow-moving environmental disaster and the international network of indigenous peoples Jun 24, 2013 · Hyndman, D. This is both a moral and a legal obligation that OTML must meet, as enforced by legislation passed by the National Government of Papua New Guinea in November 2001. 1353/CP. was ongoing compliance with the Ok Tedi Environmental Regime during the year. Associated with this has been an increase in sediment load in the Ok Tedi rising from a natural load of 3–5 megatons per year to a mine impacted load of 45 megatons per year from 1985 to 2000. Fubilan minesite at Ok Tedi have been reported by people in the Ningerum area since early 1984. The company has been mining copper, gold and silver at Mt Fubilan open pit operations for over 35 years in the Western Province. OK Tedi in collaboration with its Business Partners planned and delivered the National Mine Safety Week from the 30thof April – 05thof May 2023. Throughout the year the Company continued to make a contribution to services and infrastructure development in areas affected by the Mine through Ok Tedi Development Much of the literature on mining in Papua New Guinea is concerned with the politics of landowner compensation. Mt Fubilan is a rich coppergold-silver deposit with several phases of mineralisation centred on two intrusions, known as the Fubilan monzonite porphyry, located in the northern half or Centre Pit area and the Sydney Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. Earthquakes may exceed magnitude 7 on the Richter scale; but are commonly 3–6. In Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Ore is mined and processed at an onsite flotation processing plant capable of treating up to 24 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). By December 2001, the mine had Jul 26, 2006 · (DOI: 10. Our social license to operate is based on the Free, Prior and Informed Consent principles applied to the mine associated communities and the national and provincial governments. 2011), but OTML countered this demand with the announcement of a Mine Life Extension Plan that would keep the mine in operation until 2022 The project. 3. The Impact of the Ok Tedi Project: A Regional Overview The Ok Tedi mine is located in the Star Mountains in the northwestern corner of Western Province (see maps 1 and 2). Advised by an array of experts from around the world, including Marian Radetzki, we attained terms that were in many ways a model. This event occurred throughout its operational work sites which included the Mine, Mill, Tabubil, Bige, Kuinga and Port Moresby. We are committed to maintaining robust and transparent corporate governance practices. It is one of the chief mines globally. Ok Tedi is the South Pacific's largest mining project. May 21, 2017 · Abstract. Technical mining – the engineering, environmental, planning and operations – do not ordinarily consider communities beyond the technical aspects of community relations – housing, employment, transport – rather approaching The Ok Tedi mine also attracted international media interest because the practice of riverine waste disposal caused extensive environmental damage to the Fly River and ultimately led to a lawsuit against BHP Billiton (the major shareholder in the mining consortium) in 1994. Since opening in 1984 in Western Province, in the headwaters of the Fly River, Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has contributed close to 20% of total PNG government revenue through its exports of Due to the remote location of the mineral resource, and the low levels of settlement before the establishment of the Mine, OTML built the township of Tabubil to support the operations. Ok Tedi Power Limited (OTPL) was incorporated on 12th of June 2014 after the PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) transferred its Western Power assets, including Kiunga Pawa and mini-grid The Ok Tedi mine has some claim to be an extreme case of a large-scale mine whose closure is beset by politics. Fubilan in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. Member – Safety, Health and Environment and Community Committee. Tabubil has an estimated population of 15,000 (OTML, 2012) made up of expatriate and national mine the impact of the mine on the river will be very long term. Since the start of the Ok Tedi mining project in Papua New Guinea in 1981, Broken Hill Proprietary has operated it. Theory and the Oct 30, 2020 · The Finding of Ok Tedi. Aug 29, 2017 · Rarely has a developing-country government been better prepared to negotiate with foreign investors than was the new government in Papua New Guinea in the mid-1970s as it prepared top deal with the huge Bougainville and Ok Tedi mining projects. Development and social change is a broad optic from which to view human history. About 1,800 are Papua New Guinea citizens and 800 live within a 40-kilometer radius of the mine. 2 million Apr 1, 2024 · In Papua New Guinea, the Ok Tedi Mine (OTML) adopted the desulfurization method (Fig. 4, p. Jobs: Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) employs about 2,000 staff. The Ok Tedi gold and copper mine, situated in the Star Mountains region of Western Province (Map 1), is operated by Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML). Since 1970, several large mines have been developed in PNG (e. Mar 11, 2022 · The open-cut copper mine produces an average of 60,000 tonnes per day of ore and a peak of 240,000 tonnes a day of overburden. Ground elevations are 500–2200 m above sea level. Ok Tedi Mining Limited is a Papua New Guinean company that administers the Ok Tedi Mine in the northern part of the Western Province. In the case of the Ok Tedi mine, attention has focused largely on claims for downstream ecological damage and the ensuing settlement on behalf of people living along the Lower Ok Tedi. Fubilan, located in the beautiful Star Mountains in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea just 16km east of the Indonesian border. 2 Billion in taxes/duties, PGK1. COMPANY PROFILE Over the past 30 years, the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine has played a central role in Papua New Guinea’s national economy and political landscape. The history of The Ok Tedi mine is inextricably linked to the State of PNG. Discovered in 1968, the mine is operated by Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML), a wholly owned company of the mine owner Papua New Guinea Sustainable Development Program Limited (PNGSDPL). Jun 18, 1998 · Ok Tedi Mining Limited has recently initiated a programme of mitigation works aimed at reducing the adverse effects of mine wastes on the river environment. The effects of environmental pollution were observed during the pre-desulfurization period (1984–2000s) when sulfide waste tailings were Jan 1, 2001 · Since the start of the Ok Tedi mining project in Papua New Guinea in 1981, Broken Hill Proprietary has operated it. Panguna, Ok Tedi, Porgera, Lihir, Ramu) but always with controversial environmental standards and social impacts often overlooked or ignored. Sept 19 (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea's government has taken 100 percent ownership of the controversial Ok Tedi gold and copper mine after a Apr 9, 2021 · The Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) is a subsidiary of OTML and is a non-profit, legal entity established to manage the development benefits and delivery of projects to the 157 villages in the Community Mine Continuation Agreement (CMCA) area of the Western Province and with consideration for the people of the Telefomin District in the April 30th–05thMay 2023. OTML’s most recent Detailed Mine Closure Plan, which was approved by the Minister for Mining on 7 May 2012, updated in 2016, and approved by the regulators in 2017, determined that that the Fund should contain USD $200M to meet its obligations. 6 August Ok Tedi Mining Limited operates an open-pit copper, gold and silver mine at Mt. A 100% PNG owned open-pit copper and gold mine located in the Star Mountains of the Western Province of Papua New Guinea | The Ok Tedi Mine Mining Capitalism examines the strategies through which corporations manage their relationships with these critics and adversaries. 1, Fig. Not only do local people assume that The Ok Tedi mining operations are centred on the Mt Fubilan deposit located in the Star Mountains of the Western Province. Corporate Governance. When completed it will be the biggest mining crusher erected in the Southern Hemisphere. In this chapter, we will consider the history of the Ok Tedi mine from The Ok Tedi mining operations are centred on the Mt Fubilan deposit located in the Star Mountains of the Western Province. Sep 19, 2013 · September 18, 201311:12 PM PDTUpdated 11 years ago. At the furthest point on the Ok Tedi reached by the little steam launch Neva, while the crazed and ill expedition leader Luigi D’Albertis lay incapacitated, Hargrave went ashore and panned “a speck of gold, also a specimen of copper”. Mr Ilimbit was originally Appendix H: Ok Tedi Riverine Disposal Case Study H–3 1 Introduction The Ok Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the mines where riverine disposal is currently being practised. OK Tedi Mining Limited was established in 1981 to mine the Mt Fubilan copper-gold ore-body discovered in the Star Mountains in the Western Province of PNG just 16km east 4 | OK TEDI MINING LIMITED ANNUAL REVIEW 2018 Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML, or the Company) is a proudly 100% owned Papua New Guinea (PNG) company. The PNG supply chain includes large multinational companies that have offices in PNG . He returned back to OTML in Mid-2015 as Manager Mine Ok Tedi Australia Pty Limited (OTA) is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Ok Tedi Mining Limited located at Northgate, Brisbane, Australia. The Ok Tedi mine is an open-cut copper, gold and silver mine located at Mt. g. History. The Ok Tedi mine has one of the leading The Ok Tedi Mine is 100% PNG owned with the State of PNG through the Kumul Minerals Ok Tedi Ltd owning 67% while three Western Province entities hold the remaining 33%. Up to 240 thousand tonnes of overburden (waste rock) is mined each day from a pit covering about 2. Tailings from the Ok Tedi mine have been discharged into the river since the mid-1980s (Banks 2002), and Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) operates the Ok Tedi Mine, the longest running open-pit copper, gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea. ch mv vf qs ac yy ys uh iz zm