Incendius horde guilds
Incendius horde guilds. If you have a friend (or group of friends) that you want to join the guild with, you will all need to apply individually. The horde left for balanced servers, alliance are what killed incendius. INCENDIUS HERALD. I’m projecting 200+ people show up for the event tomorrow night so that number will just keep rising. At least 4 guilds from skeram with time to put them in the top 10 here are transfering over. Just want to know where we stand now. It was the best server. Was thinking about rolling a new toon in WoW Classic Era, not WotLK but Vanilla. Hey all, I decided to reroll Incendius at launch because it was my only opportunity to get my username. Jul 30, 2020 · Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation member joined next 2020-07-30 9969690 WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website By using guild finder page you may find your new home! Incendius Classic Era. Incendius is a phenomenal realm that took a big hit when Blizz got greedy selling xfers. Alliance sweaties got tired of it and did the same. Here is a bit about us. The last one gquit before ringing the gong because your guild gave him ZERO help and your failed leadership opposed him getting it every step of the way including ganking him on their Horde alts and colluding with the Horde guild Chicago Vs Detroit to gank him. Early free transfers off the server did nothing but skew the Horde Ally ratio even further towards the Horde because Alliance left for Heartseeker to seek refuge. For those unaware, Incendius has seen a huge of influx of transfers from dying servers over the last few weeks because of it's healthy population(not anymore)/balance. . The rest ally because organized alliance is better pve and pvp. Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation member joined WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website Apr 9, 2020 · I’m confident to say that some Alliance xferred. There's been a steady influx of new/returning players since the TBC announcement, and the horde guild <Apes Together Despite this existing imbalance, former Incendius horde guild <Swamp> made the fateful decision to transfer to Kromcrush, announcing in the server discord that they didn't care that they were adding to the faction imbalance and that the rest of us should "deal with it. This post will no longer be updated as of 10/04/2020 9:00pm - I made this post to see the trend of population migration to be able to predict the final result. Lord Incendius is the thirteenth boss that you will encounter in Blackrock Depths. There are more of us and we are less organized, so Alliance makes up for it by being very organized and well geared. . 538K subscribers in the classicwow community. Friday afternoon alliance had 20k auctions to hordes 11k. TLDR: original incendius horde were two faced children that couldn't take what they dished out and ruined the server in more than one way. Aug 19, 2019 · Hello future Classic players! I am seeking new guild members to fill the remaining ranks of our 14 year old guild! Our guild is comprised of well over a dozen IRL friends that have played with each other since the days of Vanilla and TBC. Then you have the other guilds which were mainly dad guilds that all had different infighting because yang gang was taking Negative behaviour such as complaining, blaming, or contributing negatively to the guilds reputation will not be tolerated. Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation member left WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Ended up freezing all world pvp so that horde could continue to raid once Yang Gang left but all the horde took those free transfers once they became available. Apes, scuba cops, rise, reign, Dank buds collective, grizzly, salad breakers … it goes on. Atlas was the other okay guild but it was a raid log guild that was also sort of hated by the horde. Horde on incendious and alliance on benediction. " Challenge accepted. There are like 3,000 plus PUBLIC transfers confirmed including every top clear time BWL guild. RECRUITMENT: No exceptions for groups or “package deals”. A few of the largest Horde sweaties didn’t like that. Keep camping please, as long as it keeps you from actually doing ZG The last time we got fully wiped was in early november when we had a huge 200v200 fight vs multiple horde guilds and the server had 30 seconds+delay on every action, and we weren't even raiding that day. Mar 7, 2021 · Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. Matters who you watch look at pserver guilds and most went alliance only 3 major pserver guilds went horde. Guildtag has 0 guilds, 2 characters, and 0 Guildtag Hosted Gaming Websites for this server. We’re talking like, less than 1 horde for every 100 alliance. They are horde, right? I'm pretty sure I was ganked multiple times by 2 much higher level players not long ago while I was questing. I will create stickied Alliance and Horde posts for that. The server WAS perfect, that’s why xfers came. At this point you either die in transition to another server, or die from attrition, and guilds are choosing to get out before it gets truly dire. Oct 13, 2020 · And in the end, my guild and I are just a bunch of chad dads that enjoy our world buffs and free open world farming. By using guild finder page you may find your new home! Incendius Classic Era. For all intents and purposes: This is essentially merging in all but name. Incendius is 100% alliance. as such we will plan on regularly raiding at times to be decided between roughly 7:00pm and 1:00am EST. Jul 30, 2020 · Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation next 2020-07-30 9969694 WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website In less than a week over 40 full horde guilds came to earthfury, mainly from incendius. Alodar has come to save Heartseeker. This was also a fun event, but really overshadowed by just getting there, since none of us had the foresight to roll a horde alt and figure out exactly where the instance was, so there were a lot of deaths while we wandered around Orgrimar trying to figure out where Jun 23, 2022 · the best classic era population is the page/mankirk pve cluster on alliance. As in beyond capacity full. AH prices and all. Posted by u/pavandtheclav - 21 votes and 7 comments Dec 10, 2019 · Contact: @Sybill or Btag: Prolune#2778 or GM: Rahbek#2785 Discord: N/A Name: Warsongs Elite Server & Region: Everlook-EU (GER) Recruiting: every class is welcome Premading: YES Contact: @mczizegg or Ingame "Birnengelee" Lvl 19 Mage Horde EU Guilds Name: Booty Bay Booty Fanatics Server & Region: Golemagg Horde EU Recruiting: Yes Premading: Yes Sep 13, 2022 · Here’s a snip from the bluepost about Classic Era’s realm connection: WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18. Jh2125 Veteran. As far I was aware, Incendius was one of the most populated servers a while back. There's a video of the guild leader disbanding floating in the sub somewhere. In what I was suggesting you’d still have gotten rid of 600 people. Hello all, Figured I’d try to post here. It was 50/50 at one point nearly as a high pop then thousands of skeram ally refugees came when the server literally said “full. Send Heartseeker right back where they came from. Blizzard failed to save multiple servers from dying for certain factions or all together and now Incendius is paying the price. The guild currently has roughly 15 committed players, and our core leadership consists Jan 14, 2020 · We did a cursory look at incindeous despite it’s even number of players on raid logs alliance dominate the top end. TIMELINE. I think if guild leaders can chat, AQ Gates shouldn’t be an Apr 16, 2020 · Alliance is the best at pvp ever. We are taking a horde pop to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀 17 votes, 31 comments. TL:DR - Hacsaw and Kiss of guild Justice ninja'd a Crul'shorukh from me in a no-res pug/fill raid. Aug 23, 2019 · <dream> [incendius-horde] progression raiding WoW Classic New Guild Listings -Introduction- -Dream is a progression oriented east-coast raiding guild with a focus on forming meaningful in-game relationships while gearing up and aiming for the top content in the game. The transfers off have been brutal, anyone saying otherwise is in complete denial. Guild summary for the Horde guild 'GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS' on Tichondrius - US Apr 10, 2020 · All of my Horde RL friends/Guild transfer off Incedious… now it will cost me 25$ to leave. Raid Times: 7:00pm - 11:00pm EST, Tuesday + Thursday -- Sunday conditional based on progress. I play in a casual guild on benediction and a semi-hardcore one on incendious. I just don’t understand it, to me this flightiness is illogical. Maybe 1000 horde ran off and only 300 Alliance did. Since that final result is pretty clear now I started on incendius horde. I’m a super casual player, so it would take me a long time to level. Stalagg Alliance player here to offer some insight to some of the points raised here. <Yang Gang> of Incendius NA - Is this world first? Might be but the real question is do they see the other half? It sucks because at some point your raid becomes so geared thunderfury is pretty much required to hold threat and if your guild doesn't get it dps start to leave. Detailed history for Cattus Incendius, US-Thunderlord: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. Our guild hit 100 members earlier today and will likely be over 150 by the end of the night. PLZ reset my server cooldown out of incendius. I’m alliance and don’t know if this further increases the ratio issue or bettered it. June 29, 2021. Apr 10, 2020 · Horde guilds on Stalagg/Skeram ‘Alliance suck, such babies fleeing from 75-25 Horde favoured servers, should have stayed and fought back!’ Those same Horde weeks after going to Incend ‘omg this server is 51-49 Alliance favoured, we’re getting rekt everywhere there’s no way we can handle this unfair balance! Yeah the huge horde ones like Yang Gang, who, really makes you think, Atlas, etc. No, this isn't sharding, no, this isn't Cross-Realm Zones (what Blizzard did in MoP to try and make the old world A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Yes, the server has been bleeding a long time for Alliance players. Incendius has always been full. Casual Semi-Hardcore Apr 28, 2020 · Another GM of a Horde raiding guild on Kromcrush here. Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. No, there is another. Interestingly, Incendius was one of the first servers to open the AQ gates, when they opened on August 4th, so someone must have stockpiled The last true horde guilds of Incendius left months ago when Detroit vs Chicago, Jive Turkeys, Omnious, Faded and Pseudo Guild finally gave in to raider/population attrition. Detailed history for Incendius, EU-Twisting Nether: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. m. Ultimately, though, I blame Blizzard for having a total hands-off approach to managing WoW Classic. The only issue would be guilds trying to xfer off and people getting caught in the middle of the guild xferring and some people get left behind. That number will get worse too. Apr 30, 2020 · And then once the queues were gone, more and more guilds left citing “the queue” as if they weren’t paying attention. It's been an awesome journey and there is plenty more to come. It feels like old Incendius honestly Reply reply Fusion actually exclusively pvp'd Yang Gang to the point where we would let entire horde guilds run past us in Blackrock mountain. AUGUST 07, 2020 / / FRIDAY / / SCARAB LORD EDITION. ” The ally ruined it and now have to deal with the consequences of their new PVE server. The people who stayed formed a great community, and this war effort is evidence of it. the pvp eastern clusters are dead af and the rp realms are more populated everyone on pvp eastern just took the free transfer to Detailed history for Incendius, EU-Twisting Nether: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website. Yang gang got onyxia and tried molten core a few hrs ago on horde side. Incendius more or less died (for horde anyway) when the server transfers opened. Skewed the pop to Alliance slightly. But some venting on my part and acknowledging on yours may help me cope. I have a few stickies up for a guild list/realm stat poll etc. World PVP is the usual mixed bag of fair fights, ganking, and ignoring or even helping the other faction occasionally. Jul 16, 2019 · MC is 10/10 Onyxia 1/1 BWL 7/8 Neff is going down next week! Come join us for the kill! We are an 18+ PvE Horde guild of goal oriented individuals who aim to clear all the PvE content that Classic WoW has to offer, and to have a good time doing it. Free Character Moves from Incendius will remain available to Alliance characters. Jul 30, 2020 · Detailed history for GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, US-Tichondrius: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. Please do not post LFG information here. I feel lucky to have rolled Incendius (Horde) after reading anecdotes about other servers becoming massively horde favored, and it seems that this server still has a very healthy alliance population, and according to Warcraftlogs, 6 of the 10 speedrun guilds are on Alliance (though top 3 are Apr 14, 2020 · Incendius Horde has the best horde guild in 29s, which is a very active bracket. Edit: went on discord. Casual Semi-Hardcore Sep 11, 2018 · Detailed history for Incendius, EU-Twisting Nether: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation next 2018-09-11 7768078 WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website Jul 29, 2021 · There has been talk on my server of everyone in my guild transferring to another server; this would take more than half (by my estimate) the local horde population off of Incendius and leave the ratio of Horde to Alliance irreparably damaged. We are casual as most of us are parents and have lives and responsibilities outside of games. Horde needs to come together. This will further increase both guilds Jan 30, 2020 · Giz-skeram January 30, 2020, 7:25pm 15. The servers are rly similar. Aug 8, 2020 · WARCLERCIO: False criminal accusation against Horde Incendius Guild Myth. Apr 17, 2020 · We don’t want your your guild and all the other refugees Ruin EF and got us layering and ques Evilbadguy-incendius 29 April 2020 13:42 #5 lol horde guild rise, what a pos guild. There are more Incendius horde guilds now than there are native earthfury guilds Would be great to get a comparison of auctions alliance side to horde now. This is the guild mass migration statistics as collected from various server discords and the horde leadership discord. They bailed. So would be good INCENDIUS Server - Semi-Hardcore PvP focus w/ consistent PvE. If I remember right 1 of the top 15 guilds is horde. Best part about heart seeker is the orc shaman and rogue that camp chill wind in EP. I realize this may get buried, or be completely expected in the current Incendius environment. its still decent for horde too but alliance is kinda poping. Horde Select Mindset. Please link to the reddit on your discord. While Lord Incendius doesn't have a large loot table, his most notable loot includes the Tablet of Kurniya for the quest Aug 23, 2019 · If you guys wanna join the Discord I can setup your leader roles so we can coordinate World PvP events and Dungeon Races! Ill add the discord to the Incendius reddit page I created if thats alright with you. Incendius is a US EST WoW: Classic PVP Server. I will compile a master list and sticky it. Emperor Thaurissan. Stalagg is 100% horde. Bliz fked up servers. We have baseball/football/soccer etc 870 subscribers in the Incendius community. Lord Incendius was sent from the Molten Core to guard the Dark Iron dwarves' fabled Black Anvil by Baron Geddon. Just 6-8 weeks ago a /who in Org would be lucky to find 2 players. Incendius is a server for World of Warcraft Classic. -Fun, casual, social leveling guild for classic and raid retail!-Servers: NA classic-Incendius [A] /US retail-Turalyon [H]-Very active discord!-Once enough are at level 60, Fridays are currently the votes for raid nights!-We also raid WoW BFA on horde side: Tues/Thurs 8:30pm-11:00 EST. Knowing there’s a guild that plans on playing long term would help me feel better about taking the Back in Vanilla a friend and I made gnome rogues, leveled to about 20 and snuck (corpse hopped) into Orgrimar and two maned RFC. pretty sure we made a toxic horde A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. So total players might be even, but the server is not. The premiere horde guild Yang Gang which is now Hell Yeah Brother was a solo guild on the horde and hated by the horde. Apr 15, 2020 #7 On bene we have both 29s and 49s. Blame Blizzard for messing up 4 other servers requiring those to migrate or face 95:5 ratios. 4. actually by the looks of things earthfury horde is mostly in line, a lot of the top alliance and horde guilds have an understanding and anybody who shits excessively in the cheerios tends to get stomped out. On 4/13/2020 guild <Justice> advertised a 6/8 BWL fill. If people just stayed put outside of the first few that left to drop the queue, Incendius would still be a perfectly fine server. Guilds & Teams Detailed history for Incendius, EU-Twisting Nether: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. PDT. Horde took it personally. F**KIN MERGE THEM. Dipped the realm at the launch of BWL cause there were no horde guilds left that could even scramble 30 people together to clear new content, but man i miss the glory days on launch when that server cherished for a few months. Because blizzard wanted 25$ for each transfer and let people transfer to Incendious, ruin the server, now the people left on there ( my friends and guild tranferred off free in the first two days ). Skewed it a bit more. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. always mounting passed while hordes got ganked. July 5, 2021. Guild Migration Stats. By using guild finder page you may find your new home! Detailed history for Incendius, EU-Twisting Nether: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. 14. Nah the server's on it's way out for Horde. Aug 29, 2020 · The server was perfect before the influx of alliance guilds created a 4 hour queue . No new Horde are coming here, and every time a guild breaks up 80% of it's members quit or transfer. It’s ultimately up to you. Looking back on today, Incendius Horde got more scarab lords than GRIZZLY so I'm happy :) it almost didn't happen because a certain alliance guild was blocking the 2 horde guilds from completing it, but I THINK they got it done in the end (I know at least DVC did, and I think Myth got theirs as well). Well established guild group since 2012. Hell, I think we've lost more people to jumping down to MC entrance, than we have to horde over the past 2 months. Guild Name, Faction, Type - Can have multiple (Hardcore Raiding, World/BG PvP, Social, Etc), Active Raiding Times It was so bad that Swamp transferred and the alliance on their new server heard how shitty they were and paid them back ten fold. Went from medium/high pop with good faction balance to low pop 99% alliance. My main thing is just curious about server life and whether guild’s are active and committed. Went to Earthfury. The total population is 567 now with 83/17 balance so in total ~95 horde players on the whole realm Try Earthfury, that's where almost the entirety of Incendius's horde went and they were toxic as fuck. This includes couples/partners. According to ironforge. I know us horde are so scary you need 30 people to kill 1 and keep them from picking up a quest. Long story short. Extreme competition for resources full. More came. WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18. PAGE 1. Now Horde world chat is filled with ppl transferring back. The couple times horde guilds showed up in the beginning they tried to cuck each other so much the alliance easily go the WB and eventually the horde stopped trying. World PVP was a colossal clusterfuck, with thousands of people roaming and ganking 24/7. Our server has a great pve scene and an okay pvp scene that slightly favors Horde. CLASSIFIED. A few Alliance guilds went to Incendius. For a long time it had a stable group of dedicated guilds, and competition has been strong for everything. World bosses, herbs, ore, you name it. Remaining as Horde on Incendius is accepting playing on a server where you only get to win as much as the alliance allows you to. There must be a better solution than this. Majority of the Horde camped BRM for 2 weeks. They have definitely made it to my hit list and my guild's hit list. WoW Guild GOON SQUAD INCENDIUS, Event. Please post your Alliance or Horde Guild here. Apr 7, 2020 · Incendius; As before, Free Character Moves are available for Alliance characters from Incendius. Honestly, most server clusters have some guilds, except for rppvp/pverp. In this region, we will connect: Anathema, Arcanite Reaper, Bigglesworth, Blaumeux, Fairbanks, Kurinnaxx, Rattlegore, Smolderweb, Thunderfury, and Whitemane. 2561 population. Aug 27, 2019 · Migration with no horde on the server. Kirtonos Classic Era. I'm guessing that was around the same time as server transfers/BWL. pro, horde population peaked in late March 2020, but then quickly dropped off. 646. We've got a decent ratio and population, lots of experienced as well as new players, and many established guilds on both factions. Earlier today, we disabled Free Character Moves for Horde characters from the Incendius realm. just hilarious to watch them work as the only horde left on the server. You stand in front of ZG as long as you want. No more free transfers off Incendious for Horde faction. 2522 population. Both of them are well balanced and have plenty of people leveling and guilds being formed who you can play through content with. Apr 7, 2020 · Hi from a Horde player on Netherwind! Might I suggest you consider our server for a transfer. UPDATED APRIL 10 – 12:35 p. 304. You keep your name, but you just have a tag next to it. Arugal, Felstriker, and Yojamba. fs uf np li xy rl oq fd ai br