Return to previous fragment on back press

Return to previous fragment on back press. here is my HomeScreen: Oct 21, 2015 · Problem I'm running into an issue where when I add and commit a new fragment, it requires two back button presses to return to the previous view. Jul 18, 2016 · Android : Return to previous fragment on back press. Oct 13, 2017 · If you add it to the backstack, that means you add that Fragment to the history stack of the Activity, action which is reverted when you press the back button. Else, it will just go to the previous fragment. Consider that I'm in the 2nd fragment, which is not added to the backstack. Build. 1,271 1 18 32. Home_activity which contain several fragments say A1,A2,A3 listed as cards. getSupportFragmentManager(). Previously, if you wanted to implement the screens using fragments, when you wanted to handle back press, you didn’t have a native solution. There is a close button on top. – Aug 9, 2013 · In my application, I have tabbar functionality. This is my transactions code: From A to FA: Apr 9, 2013 · So, when you press back-key, the current activity (which holds multiple fragments) will load previous fragment rather than finishing itself. Jul 19, 2015 · I have an Activity which consists of two Fragments(Fragment1 and Fragment2). When you move to the next fragment push the fragment into the stack and detach it from your activity and in the onbackpressed event pop the fragment and attach it to the activity. Note : this only occurs on the first item you select, once you succesfully back out to the fragment containing the listview and select the object again or a new object it only requires you press the I have created a webview within a fragment however when I am trying to press the back button, it is killing the app instead of going back. fragment:fragment-ktx:1. Log. Navigate to the app > res > layout > activity_main. How to implement onBackPressed so that if i am in Tab 3 and press back button it should go to Tab2 and then to Tab1 on another click of back button. DrawerItem4 -> Frag7. We strongly recommend that you implement predictive back navigation as soon as possible. The 2nd Fragment that is launched doesn't contain anything right now. OnClickListener() {. Jan 21, 2019 · If user press back from you are going to open new profile fragment then previous fragment's view will be destroyed. You need to do 2 things - name the FragmentTransaction from A->B and then override onBackPressed () in your containing activity to call FragmentManager#popBackStack (String name, int flags) when you are on Fragment C. Just like you wanted it. I think it's weird as it works in my activities. java. And if the back stack is empty calling onBackPressed() will simply kill the activity and move to the previous activity if there is any. You can read more about it here. When the user hits the back button, the last transaction on the stack is popped off, and all the changes in that transaction are reverted. Aug 12, 2013 · If you want to get backPress in each fragment do the following. Jan 15, 2016 at 6:28. code from activity: Mar 7, 2023 · 1. Otherwise, users might experience unexpected behavior in a future Android release. e. What I’m trying to do is to make it navigate to the previous fragment. 4. solaza. When I reach fragment C, at some point I want to go back to fragment A and remove B and C. when (item. What i want is to go back when i press the back button and if i am already on home page the back button should kill the app. getItem(0); mBottomNav. answered Aug 22, 2016 at 17:28. create interface OnBackPressedListener. However, when I press the back button to bring me to the previous fragment, it brings be back to the home fragment. Oct 22, 2019 · Passing some arguments to FragmenB is pretty straightforward: val action = FragmentADirections. navigation. **replace**(int, Fragment) and should call addToBackStack(String). I can post my full onItemClick if you need. implementation "androidx. It still stuck in DisplayPhotoFragment,but at the same time,an API method in CreateRoomFragment onViewCreated section is being called. Otherwise, treat it as a normal back press and call the super method. fragment_container, new Fragment()). gradle. popBackstack(null, 0); You may also consider adding an id for each fragment and passing it when calling. Fragment A: // Do something with the result. You opened the new activity from another activity with startActivityForResult. I want the App to go back to the HomeFragment. public void onResume() {. Mar 22, 2016 · How to prevent on going to previous Fragment on press device back button . 3. Gradle :implementation The first fragment has a Button view that, on click, should open the second fragment. beginTransaction(); ft. When I press the Back button while in the new Activity, the app closes. How do I get rid of this blank screen? I saw its somehow connected to the first addToBackStack but I still couldn't fix it . I'm using such construction: FragmentManager fm=getFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction ft=fm. What I am doing is not working. commit(); But it just removes current fragment, without showing previous Nov 1, 2014 · My problem is that my back button is currently exiting the app. The code that I am using is: MainActivity. That worked in getting the backstack to work. Actually, it doesn't allow me to override onBackPressed () method :' (. User interactions: In some cases, you may have a form or a multi-step process where the user needs to go back to a previous activity to revise or modify their inputs. Share Improve this answer Jul 18, 2015 · This way it handles the fragment stuff on its own within, but when there's no fragments left to go back to, then it finishes the activity. addToBackStack(null); Apr 15, 2021 · When working with java in Android Studio, how do I get back from a fragment to a previous fragment? To use the bottom tab, I am using fragments divided into three in MainActivity. Here is the relevant code from my activity class: The onBackPressed can be overridden in the FragmentActivity. Mushtu. When i go from A to FA to FB, press back button and return to FA, and go again to FB this fragment is not showing anything. Dec 4, 2019 · I only have 1 page which is the HomeScreen and it contains a BottomNavigation with 5 Fragments. edited Sep 25, 2014 at 22:52. So if a transaction replace s Fragment A with Fragment B, and also add s Fragment C, popping Oct 15, 2015 · Btw this is my second fragment. is there any way to perform the back press with not Deprecated code. In this fragment, if i press the back button on my phone, it will go back to previous fragment. content_main. java it is strongly recommended to use the Activity Result APIs introduced in AndroidX Activity 1. getItemId()); Jan 3, 2024 · Provide custom back navigation. Apr 10, 2015 · The problem that I'm facing is after pushing a fragment through drawerLayout I want to change the drawer icon into back icon of ToolBar so that user can navigate to previous fragment and to handle the callback of android. I opened another fragment on that fragment to input information, but when I press Back on the phone, the application quits. Jun 28, 2020 · First Option. Jan 24, 2020 · when I'm pressing the back button it is moving to the previous fragment but also displaying a blank screen and I need to click it to eliminate it. What you can do is: Override the onBackPressed inside the activity. Apr 2, 2014 · Somehow on one of the fragments, when I press the back button once, nothing seems to happen. here's my onNavigationItemSelected method: Jul 20, 2016 · I am using this code currently in my fragments, I am using the code to go back from here and whenever I open a fragment, app just force-closes. layout. You are adding the transaction to the backstack, so all you should need in order to get back to the previous one should be: FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager(); fragmentManager. super. Jul 23, 2015 · This is not what you want. OnClickListener mBackListener = new View. These Activity Lifecycle Methos are call when your contrl return back into the app Jan 13, 2014 · Thank you. XML. I implemented this solution on my project and after running project i dont have any problem to show first widgets as an Fragment, but when i press to back button my screen goes to black and couldn't back to previous widgets as an fragment Sep 22, 2016 · I want to go back to the previous fragment. as normal back works. **add**(int, Fragment) and should not call addToBackStack(String). I have implemented onBackPressed() in my Activity. Futhermore the method onBackPressed() is never used. itemId) {. nav_view); MenuItem homeItem = mBottomNav. This is a simple example of how You can use ViewModel to save data in ListView. Return to previous fragment on back press. 3. 6 Android supports passing data between fragments or between fragments and activities. aboutuswebViewask); progressBar = (ProgressBar) v. So on onStart() again call when your control return back from gallery. but i don't know where i have made a mistake: my java code is here. Replace 3rd and 4th Fragments: May 21, 2019 · Android just released a solution for this; Passing data between Destinations ( Navigation 2. it quits the app. onResume(); Oct 24, 2014 · I have 2 fragments, one is added to the backstack, while the other one is not added. Need your Jun 15, 2020 · My problem her is that to return to fragment A, i also use findNavController (). To learn more, see Add support for the predictive back gesture. Other solution is to override onKeyDown (int keyCode, KeyEvent event) and then handle KeyEvent . Thus, to pass data back to fragment B from C, call setFragmentResultListener() on fragment B's FragmentManager, as shown in the following example: Jan 31, 2020 · By using the code above,the screen didnt go back to previous Fragment(CreateRoomFragment). so onChange method got called two times. 2. My approach: val backStateName = FragmentA::class. Sep 22, 2017 · I have fragments A, B, C which I add with add() method. Apr 25, 2014 · So i am calling fragment on navigation drawer click and it is also working and further more i am calling another fragment from Home page fragment and maintain the back stack for every fragment but the problem is back press from the child fragment i can't go to Home page fragment and just exited from application. I tried the following in the new Activity: But the App still closes Jul 17, 2015 · I want that when I click back on the fragment 2 the onBackPressed of the main activity will not called and it will back me to fragment 1. 0-alpha02. navigate(action) But is there a way to pass data from FragmentB to FragmentA when the user navigates away from FragmentB? With other words, when FragmentB is destroyed as the result of back press. For your apps back button set up a listener like this: View. Learn how this feature is implemented and how to integrate into your app. 0-alpha02 ), basically, in fragment A you observe changes in a variable and in fragment B you change that value before executing popBackStack(). replace(R. img. All Android devices provide a Back button for this type of navigation, so don't add a Back button to your app’s UI. I have tried using all the solution in the given link. Aug 8, 2014 · When you perform such a fragment transaction, you can also add it to a back stack that's managed by the activity—each back stack entry in the activity is a record of the fragment transaction that occurred. public interface OnBackPressedListener {. answered May 12, 2020 at 14:48. onCreate(savedInstanceState); //required for back button to work. Going back to a previous activity could mean two things. This will do a smooth transition and reload the activity when you come back by pressing back button. 0. I replace 3rd fragment with 4th Fragment. My current code looks like this. } For more information you can check this. Here MainHomeFragment is main Fragment (When I press back button from second fragment it will take me too MainHomeFragment) @Override. Jun 8, 2018 · Since Fragment KTX 1. 4. In parent activity , you can override onBackPressed() @Override. Aug 12, 2020 · DrawerItem1 -> Frag1 -> Frag2 -> Frag3 -> Frag4. Sep 3, 2016 · I want to move back to my previous fragment when I click on the back button. Mar 13, 2014 · So once you add new fragment with addToBackStack (null) It will save instance into memory and on back press it will pops up current fragment and load previous one. What I was trying to code is to navigate fragments and bottomNavigation. However, when I press the back Jan 14, 2015 · i have a activity A with fragment FA, from this fragment i go to FAB, this last fragment is a FragmentPagerAdapter. Aug 22, 2016 · 1. When the onBackPressed is called, check if the instance of the current fragment is the instance showing the webview. build. View rod = i. I dont want to go to previous fragment on device back press neither close app on device back press. Jan 17, 2017 · 31. The second fragment should have a "back button" (arrow left icon) in the toolbar that, on click, lets the user go back to the first fragment. Jun 30, 2014 · That's what I've tried, but if I'm on the frag fragment and I press the back button, it doesn't go back to the last fragment (the HomeFragment). May 21, 2021 · In Android Studio I created a HomeFragment from MainActivity, then a new Activity is started when Bluetooth Data arrives. May run into Oct 12, 2019 · 1. now when i press back. I have a button on each of them in the top left hand corner which when clicked should go back to the previous fragment or activity. Jul 10, 2019 · You can just: val callback = requireActivity(). container, fragmentB, "detail") // Add this transaction to the back stack. Feb 11, 2020 · I'm trying to return back to a previous fragment from an activity but I cannot get the functionality to work. Jan 14, 2016 · 1. navigate ()but doing so will create a new fragment that will be added to the stack, so my question is how can i navigate back from fragment B to A, or C to A while keeping the view state as it is without creating a new Fragment A. ampproject, container, false); mWebView = (WebView) v. i(TAG,"Back Button Pressed"); Mar 7, 2020 · And pop back to the previous fragment with the result OK : Pop back result Ok. My question is : How to return to a previous fragment. But when I press back button from that detail page, every time oncreateview called of previous page, so every time listview created and new fetches new server data. Feb 28, 2021 · I have a search button, with an actionViewClass. Feb 8, 2017 · All other parts are in the form of fragments. actionToFragmentB("some text") findNavController(). Sep 27, 2020 · Now I need to return to the previous Fragment in an OnClickListener imbedded in a FloatingActionButton hosted in an Activity that hosts the Fragment instead of a back press. Instead, it attempts to go back to the last Activity, but since there is none (i. xml File. In a few occasions, some fragments are placed over other fragments. If there is an API call in Fragment A and you do not want to make API call on every fragment recreation then you can save the API response 0. Nov 3, 2016 · 5. beginTransaction(). 11 1. 0 and Jetpack Navigation 2. – Swapnil Lanjewar. If you don't have any Edit Text-box in your fragment you can use below code. findViewById(R Mar 19, 2016 · I have MainActivity with NavigationDrawer and 3 Fragments. The back button of the action bar works well (I think it mean that the backstack is ok). So if we go to Announcements, basically, what'll happen is. popBackStack() and popBackStackImmediate() are more direct ways of popping the topmost fragment without simulating a button press. this is what i tried but everything is deprecated. Below is the code for the activity_main. popBackStack () on back pressed of fragment, this will load previous fragment and not create new one. I tried to do: getActivity(). If you are using toolbar back buttons, then, make sure you have this code in your fragment: super. EDIT: UP navigation can recreate your previous activity even if it already exists. commit(); Whenever you add a fragment to backstack it will be poped from it when You press back button and app will return to previous fragment that Sep 26, 2014 · If not, use Activity instead of ActionBarActivity and the simple Fragment import with FragmentManager. Fragment B will be recreated when called later on; Hence, if you want to keep both Fragments "saved", just toggle them using hide()/show(). remove() - can be used to remove Fragment B and return to A. i need to go to main fragment. submitList(it) . I want it to go back to the fragment it came from, but the @Override I've doesn't override from its superclass, but I don't why. Feb 12, 2020 · I have one custom fragment, Fragment A and two custom activities, Activity A and Activity B. What I want basically is if the user is in the FirstFragment, that will be the time that the app will exit. xml. My toolbar_menu. R. Use getFragmentManager (). Regardless, when I press back on my phone when Im at the 2nd Fragment, it does not return to my first one. When I press the &quot;search&quot; button, I can get to youtube-fragment properly. If so, we're done with onBackPressed() and can return. When this button is clicked a new fragment opens, and I want when the back button is clicked to go back to the previous fragment. In one tab i am displaying server data in lisview, and on clicking on that detail page for that list item will be open in new fragment. User should able to return to frag1. This will appear once i press a button in a first fragment. When Tab 2 is selected Fragment C should be displayed. Fragment B: startActivity(getIntent()); overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } In previous activity use this code. . Feb 7, 2019 · Jetpack navigation component replaces the fragments. So when you open Fragment B from Fragment A and click back button in Fragment B, then Fragment A gets recreated. I'm working with a Navigation Drawer navigating to many different fragments. How to go back to the previous Fragment on Press of a Aug 22, 2021 · I'm making an app with two fragments, which are home-fragment and youtube-fragment. Or pop back with the result Cancel: Pop Back cancel the result. When You are using RecyclerView You can create an adapter that extends ListAdapter and in the observer, You just have to write adapter. In that case you can just call the finishActivity () function from your code and it'll take you back to the previous activity. So, when user is in frag1 and presses Frag5. How to go back to the previous Fragment on Press of a button. void onBackPressed(); } That each fragment that wants to be informed of backPress implements this interface. xml and add the below code to that file. If you use Navigation Component follow the codes below in your onCreateView () method (in this example I want just to close my app by this fragment) OnBackPressedCallback backPressedCallback = new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {. activity_rate, container, false); Dec 13, 2016 · I have checked your Code your, you are doing fragment transition in OnStart() Method. DrawerItem3 -> Frag6. It does not add the fragments to stack. setGraph(R. edited May 12, 2020 at 16:07. commit(); 2) override the onBackPressed of the activity to handle the back button press event. // Handle presses on the action bar menu items. Currently, the following code takes me all the way to the beginning fragment: navController. 0-alpha02 and Fragment 1. I want to ask: From childFragment to the previous Fragment, BackPressed () is allowed while using Navigation Component, androidx, Kotlin. findViewById(R. Jan 11, 2013 · So when I press back button of fragment A1, it should go back to A, similarly when Back button from B2 is pressed, B1 appears and from B1 to B and so on. When the app is started Fragment A is shown and Tab 1 is selected. the previous activity had finish() invoked on it), it just goes to the Android Home Screen. // support package FragmentManager (getSupportFragmentManager). setSelectedItemId(homeItem. I have this code, but It's not work. While coming back to childFragment, I want it to come from my research, I have found out that, if fragment using the ViewModel of its corresponding activity, So when even you start observing the livedata, it will first send you the most recently emitted item. xml May 23, 2019 · in this link in SF, @martinseal1987 show us how can we use separated widgets link with android fragments. com Oct 12, 2020 · Transforming the development from activities to fragments brings with it some disadvantages due to the lack of features under the fragments library. Aug 1, 2014 · 1) while adding Fragment B to the activity. If it does, determine if the event was absorbed. Add this to your activity android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" This will stop your activity from restarting when you rotate. In one fragment, I used child fragments via customViewPager disabling swiping. MainActivity -> AnnouncementsFragment-> AnnouncementDetailFragment. But if you want to track all fragments, and go back from one to another in back order, you add all fragments to stack with: ft. What I wanted to happen is when the user presses the back key twice, he returns to the previous Fragment instead of closing it. getMenu(). When I press back arrow button or onBackPressed I want to replace/return to 3rd Fragment. how to do this? i need to go back to the main fragment. Using onBackPressed() triggers OnBackPressedCallback s; if in the future you want to handle Back button presses specifically, you'll have to switch to popBackStack() / popBackStackImmediate When I am on the NavigationFragment and press back, the app closes instead of going back to IntermediateFragment. inflate(R. Apr 28, 2021 · As per the Navigation and the back stack guide, you'd want to use NavController's popBackStack() method to pop the back stack and go back to the previous fragment. The title of the toolbar should change between the two fragments (from "First Fragment" to "Second Fragment"). . On click of this button, I should go back to the previous fragment. Following code will set the icon of the home fragment icon of the bottom navigation to active, use accordingly to make active each icon on back press: final BottomNavigationView mBottomNav = findViewById(R. 6" FragmentA. addToBackStack("Messages"); on the fragment 2 I have an app that contain a navigation drawer one of the fragments is the home fragment I want the app when the back button pressed in some other fragments to go to the home fragment for example if the user pressed on fr1 then fr2 then fr3 I want it to return back to the home button (where fr1,2,3 are the fragments of the navigation drawer and Dec 28, 2013 · Jan 30, 2020 at 11:19. // Handle the back button event. irscomp's solution works if you want to end activity when back button is pressed on first fragment. I'm trying to handle the back button in a fragment. The back stack allows the user to reverse a fragment transaction (navigate backwards), by pressing the Back button. public void handleOnBackPressed() {. use setRetainInstance(true) on fragments. even if you didn't call it from your fragment. So every time you add a new Fragment, the stack will be like this: [fragment1][fragment2][fragment3], and if you press the back button, it will remove the last added action, so removing Mar 27, 2011 · We get the current fragment in the back stack, then we do a null check and determine if it implements our Backable interface. You can use Stack for holding the fragment instances. addCallback(this) {. @Override. Here is an example with Navigation Component. I managed to come up with this code to handle back press in MainActivity where Drawer is Initialized: See full list on proandroiddev. Example: Transition from A->B. Then Fragment A might be replaced with Fragment B. Please Write your Fragmnet replace Logic in onCreate() or maintain Boolean for your onStart() Logic. answered Feb 12, 2020 at 9:20. or try the app. if it is not, call the super or whatever you How to remove current and show previous fragment? Like if I'm press "Back" button. You can override onBackPressed () method in activity, which contains your fragments. 2. MainActivity <- AnnouncementsFragment Jun 1, 2016 · 1. answered Jan 14, 2016 at 15:00. The code for fragment replacement: Fragment fragment=new MyFragment(); FragmentManager Oct 7, 2020 · Now You can go to the second fragment and when You return to Start You won't lose any data. Jan 29, 2017 · Suppose I have my main fragment as main screen, from there i go to an activity. xml file. Depending on the user’s Android device, this button might be a physical button or a software Jun 26, 2018 · 2. I don't want this. Jan 3, 2024 · Note: Android 13 introduces predictive back navigation, which works with custom back navigation, for Android devices. Robiul Hossain Shah. id. 399 4 9. When I press it a second time it will bring me to the previous fragment. Jun 7, 2021 · Multiple back stacks is available in Fragments 1. public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {. DrawerItem2 -> Frag5. addToBackStack(null). MapFragment. Bundle savedInstanceState) {. Pros: easy and simple method to keep multiple Fragments running Cons: you use a lot more memory to keep all of them running. override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {. Add addToBackstack(null) When You change fragments in your activity, like so: getSupportFragmentManager(). Mar 23, 2016 · In this way I can go from one fragment to another but I fail to come to the previous fragment on back button press. Do you know how I can have it so that it always goes back to Fragment1? So they can go to Fragment 2, then 3 but pressing the back button will take them to Fragment 1. The way I solved my issue I am sure it will helps you too: 1. Every transaction after the first should call fragmentTransaction. puff. Jul 20, 2016 · 4. If it is, ask the fragment if the webview can go back. note: this method is deprecated on the Fragment class only But how can I have a separate back stack for each tab? For an example Fragment A and B would be under Tab 1 and Fragment C and D under Tab 2. There is no NavigationDrawer and no Hamburget button, but the is a back arrow button. Back navigation is how users move backward through the history of screens they previously visited. How to achieve this? Dec 8, 2015 · 1. answered Aug 8, 2014 Bottom Navigation Tutorial : In This Video, You Will Learn How to Integrate Bottom Navigation With Back Press in Android Studio. I tried many method Return to previous fragment on back press. beginTransaction() Nov 30, 2023 · on how to roll back to the previous fragment. 0. addToBackStack() . In the fragments that you show up the Home/UP button, override onOptionsItemSelected() method and call the activity's onBackPressed() for home button id. Likewise, if user in navigates to frag4 than can navigate back to frag1 by back press. remove(fragment). View v = inflater. PS: I am using navigation graph. home either inside the same fragment or inside the mainActivity. nav_graph, bundle); navController. Keep track of the activity stack. onBackPressedDispatcher. setOnClickListener(new View. setHasOptionsMenu(true); And also override this function: @Override. When the fragment is on start state - to receive the May 25, 2018 · Example: I am in the loginFragment and I want this fragment to be cleared from the stack when I navigate to the home fragment so that the user will not be returned back to the loginFragment when he presses the back button. Like if you open fragment1 - > fragment2 and then press the back button it would take you back to fragment1. kt Sep 29, 2017 · Android activities are stored in the activity stack. It's similar to startActivityForResult logic. In turn Fragment2 has three fragment tabs(Tab1,Tab2,Tab3). Navigation flow: Your app may have a specific navigation flow that requires going back from a fragment to the previous activity based on certain conditions or user actions. popBackStack(); May 12, 2021 · 1. 39. My getView method from pager adapter its not called. So now, we can receive data from call back result by Oct 3, 2015 · If there are more than one fragment in the back stack calling the above onBackPressed() will navigate to the previous fragment. Launch_activity which displays some details. Example : If I'm in fragment A2, when I press back it should return to A1 and when I press back from A1, it should go to the Home_activity where all my fragments are Nov 25, 2022 · Step 2: Working with the activity_main. The very first fragment transaction should use fragmentTransaction. 1. Feb 8, 2022 · When you perform a FragmentTransaction, you can call addToBackStack to put that transaction on the back stack. wo ln aa tz xd ch hh qn ue va